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Your Personalized AI Assistant

Spend more time with patients, less with everything else


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"Pull up John Doe's latest lipid panel results."

"Generate a summary of Jane Smith's progress + recommendations for her next appointment."

"Remind me of Mary Jones' dietary restrictions."

"What were the key takeaways from my last appointment with Robert Brown?"

"Show me a comparison of Emily Davis' blood pressure readings over the past six months."

"Prepare a letter to Peter Miller outlining his new exercise regimen."

"Generate a timeline of Susan Wilson's symptoms and corresponding treatments."

"Summarize Thomas Taylor's latest stool test results and his previous one."

"Compile a list of medications currently prescribed to Nancy Anderson."

"Draft a summary of James Thompson's overall health progress for the past year."

In-depth patient care requires more time and countless data points.

Expanded diagnostics, lengthy appointments, and extensive documentation can diminish the joy of your work - interacting with patients.

You didn't become a practitioner to drown in data. You're here to make a difference.

We've taken the revolutionary technology behind ChatGPT to create an intelligent chat interface a virtual assistanttrained and constrained on holistic wellness and preventative care.

Pre-trained on the unique domains that represent holistic, personalized healthcare and wellness.





Jane Smith (Patient ID: 123456), a 28 year old female born on April 17, 1995, residing at 987 Maple St, Beverly Hills, California, 90210, contactable at 555-555-5555, presents with 4-month history of brain fog and fatigue...


[PATIENT] (Patient ID: [MEDICALRECORD]), a [AGE] year old female born on [DOB], residing at [STREET], [CITY], [STATE], [STATE], contactable at [PHONE], presents with [Context, TIME] history of [Medical Conditions, UMLS: C06003374] and [Medical Conditions, UMLS: C09039949]...

Next, we add context specific to how your practice operates, and how you operate

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Your Practice

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Pre-trained on the unique domains that represent holistic, personalized healthcare and wellness.





Trained on the unique

protocols of your practice.

Trained on your unique conditions, templates, tone.

Meet your new personalized AI Assistant

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Number Three in Circle

Import your data from any source - we'll train your AI assistant

Whether it's stored on websites, PDFs, documents, or even YouTube videos, we ensure seamless integration of all your content and create training context unique to your Practice and to You.

Make sense of your unstructured patient data

Your AI Assistant will digest patient data you provide in real-time, like historical records, lab reports, clinical notes, imaging reports, or faxed records.

Ask questions. Get answers. Check sources.

Ask your AI Assistant questions and get tailored answers with links to reference material.

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  • Spend more time with patients, less with paperwork.

  • Harness the power of AI to streamline your workflow.

  • Enhance your patient experience with timely, personalized communication.

Your Personal AI Assistant

Profile User  Icon

"Pull up John Doe's latest lipid panel results."

"Generate a summary of Jane Smith's progress + recommendations for her next appointment."

"Remind me of Mary Jones' dietary restrictions."

"What were the key takeaways from my last appointment with Robert Brown?"

"Show me a comparison of Emily Davis' blood pressure readings over the past six months."

"Prepare a letter to Peter Miller outlining his new exercise regimen."

"Generate a timeline of Susan Wilson's symptoms and corresponding treatments."

"Summarize Thomas Taylor's latest stool test results and his previous one."

"Compile a list of medications currently prescribed to Nancy Anderson."

"Draft a summary of James Thompson's overall health progress for the past year."

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analysis showed signs of dysbiosis, with a low diversity of beneficial gut bacteria and an overgrowth of potentially harmful species. Blood tests revealed mild iron-deficiency anemia, which may be contributing to his fatigue. There were no signs of celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease.



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Healthcare is evolving, and so should the way we operate.


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